Define the Problem
Working out what the actual problem is that needs to be solved.
We work with you to
• Define the problem that needs to be addressed
• Validate that the problem is real
• Specify the benefits that will result from addressing the problem.

What will it do for you?
Too often business cases are centred around the addressing the wrong problem. This not only wastes time and money but the problem still exists.
This can lead to people feeling frustrated and loss of confidence that the problem can be solved.
Knowing what is the actual problem that needs to be solved enables you to focus on by clearly defining it as a problem statement.
This needs to include the main likely impact on your organisation and align with the following 8 benefit areas:
• Corporate image, reputation, standing etc.
• Change in risk profile
• Impact on efficiency
• Impact on service delivery
• Alignment to your corporate plans e.g. Business Plan, Customers Strategies
• Financial impact
• Number of customers affected
• Number of staff affected
Stakeholders sometimes try to define the problem or issue from their point of view. If they succeed in having it defined to suit their interests, it obviously becomes harder for you to resolve it from your point of view.
That is why having an independent person assist to define the problem is so important.